Vote on Annamie Pauls leadership of Green Party cancelled sources say

A vote of non-confidence in Annamie Paul's leadership of the Green Party of Canada has been cancelled, sources tell CBC News.
The Green Party's governing body, called the federal council, was set to vote on the question Tuesday. But multiple party sources told CBC News it will not go forward.
The sources spoke on condition they not be named because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
A potential review of Paul's membership in the Green Party, discussed by the council last week, will also not be initiated, according to the sources.
The scheduled vote was prompted by a call from the federal council for Paul to repudiate comments made by her former adviser that were critical of Green MPs' stances on Israel. If 75 per cent of councillors had voted no-confidence, the question would have gone before the general membership of the Greens in August.
More to come.
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