MSNBC Writer Compares Pro-Lifers to Taliban

A progressive commentator at MSNBC is using the ongoing chaos in Afghanistan to demonize Americans who oppose abortion.

Dean Obeidallah, a frequent contributor on MNSBC, warned in a recently published piece for the news outlet that “the Taliban aren’t the only ones trying to impose their will on women’s bodies and choices.”


“Over the last few days, the airwaves have been filled with Republicans voicing their deep concern over the rights of the women of Afghanistan,” he wrote. “And yet, I have to wonder where these voices were when extremists, based on a narrow reading of their religion’s beliefs, enacted a law that forces a woman who was raped to carry the fetus of the rapist to term?”

While he couched his argument with the claim that “nobody is saying the GOP and the Taliban are equally bad,” he rebuked conservatives for trying to “impose their religious beliefs on all others.”

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“If the GOP wants to show that it is sincerely concerned with the rights of the women in Afghanistan,” Obeidallah wrote, “it can start by first championing the human rights of women in the U.S. But instead, it is doing all it can to prevent gender equality while oppressing women based on its members’ extreme religious beliefs.”

Obeidallah isn’t the only one at MSNBC who thinks like this.

Network host Joy-Ann Reid similarly believes American conservatives â€" particularly Christians â€" want to “drive women from the workforce and solely into childbirth, and control all politics.”

This is the real-life Handmaid's Tale. A true cautionary tale for the U.S., which has our own far religious right dreaming of a theocracy that would impose a particular brand of Christianity, drive women from the workforce and solely into childbirth, and control all politics.

â€" Joy-Ann (Pro-Democracy) Reid (@JoyAnnReid) August 14, 2021

Since the U.S. military has left Afghanistan, the Taliban terrorist group has regained control of the Middle Eastern country.

Under their previous rule, prior to the U.S. invasion in 2001, the Taliban subjected women to despicable human rights violations. Between 1996 and 2001, women weren’t allowed to work or study, they weren’t permitted to be seen on the street without male relatives, they had to be entirely covered whenever they were outside their homes, and they were subjected to sexual assault and forced marriages as teenagers.

There are already numerous reports women and girls are once again being kidnapped, raped, and forced to marry militants.

Despite Taliban promises of an “inclusive, Islamic government,” distributing photos have already emerged, showing seemingly unconscious women and children blood-soaked after facing attacks by the terrorist group.

Americans currently trying to get home have literally been left to fend for themselves as they attempt to flee Afghanistan through the Kabul airport, which has descended into utter madness.

“Help! Taliban is coming. Taliban is coming.”

Young Afghan woman outside a gate at #Kabul airport pleading for U.S. soldiers to let her, and other civilians, in.

â€" Frud Bezhan فرود بيژن (@FrudBezhan) August 18, 2021

As the week continues, it’s become clear the Biden administration was not expecting the kind of chaos that has unfolded.

The White House was clearly caught flat-footed.

U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated as much Wednesday, when he said there was “nothing that I or anyone else saw” to signal the immediate collapse of the Afghan military.

And on Thursday, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the Biden administration doesn’t know how many American citizens remain in Afghanistan since the U.S. military’s abrupt departure.

REPORTER: “How many American citizens remain in Afghanistan?"


â€" Benny (@bennyjohnson) August 19, 2021

Needless to say, Obeidallah’s suggestion that the Taliban and pro-life Americans are in any way similar is â€" at best â€" entirely detached from reality.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List said in a statement that MSNBC “does the nation a great disservice in allowing this piece to run, which exploits Afghan women, ignores their values, and smears pro-life Republicans who are fighting every day in Congress to defend the lives of American women and their unborn babies from the extreme agenda of the abortion lobby.”

She went on to note that the U.S. is one of just a handful of countries around the world that allows abortion on demand through every stage of pregnancy.

“Pro-life lawmakers are to be commended for their courage in challenging this extreme status quo â€" and they should be emboldened by the truth that the majority of Americans are on their side, eager to humanize our laws,” Dannenfelser added.

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